Photoshop Blending
To make these, I took existing black and white artwork and colored them in using a variety of tools, adjustment layers, and effects within Adobe Photoshop.
2D Animation
These animations were made with Adobe Animate and show my beginnings in motion graphics.
Vector Art
All of these were made in Adobe Illustrator and are vector pieces, meaning they can be made large or small without a loss of quality.
Illustration to Animation
A combination of Adobe Illustrator (the still illustration part) and Adobe After Effects (the moving animation part) were required to make these, with many of the effects and motion being applied within After Effects.
Video Editing
These were made by combining videos in Adobe Premiere Pro with effects and transitions made in Adobe After Effects.
Applications Used:

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Premiere Pro

Adobe After Effects

Adobe Animate

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